When you're big, you walk right past the moss. You might think, "Oh look. Moss." Or if you want to get extra close to nature, you might run a finger over the surface.
Fairies have a completely different outlook.
Moss is a major factor in a fairy's life. If it's lush, they don't have much work to do because everything in the ecosystem is going to be getting enough water. When the moss dries out, though, hold onto your wingtips. Fairies go into hyper active mode. They get help from neighboring groves. Everyone works until the moss is better -- or dead.
Here's the other thing moss brings up: time. When I'm at home, I have to ask someone what day of the week it is, or what day of the month it is. Fairies could care less about that. They ask about the phases of the moon. A fairy who's nearby will look at a little patch of moss (even if it's daytime) and answer with the fairy names for moon phases. Based on that, everyone knows what the ought to be doing.
Between new moons, everything needs to get done, before the whole group in a grove will reset everything, and start their chores again -- adding in different ones as the seasons progress, they tell me.
If so many of the chores didn't involve water, I'd probably want to stay. I'm getting too pickled to really enjoy being a fairy. From xylem clearing to water plant chores, and rain channeling, there's always going to be some new chore to keep me pruney.
Going to bed in my miserable little rock nook, now. Maybe I'll dry out a little over night.
Thumbelina says she has night chores. I'm going to leave it all to her.
-- Sabrina
Moss is more important than even Sabrina thinks. We get raw materials for dyes and makeup. We need certain nutrients in moss for our health. We love to relax on a mossy rock and contemplate -- also important for fairy health. It's about as important to us as, say, furniture to humans. Yes, we could survive without it. Moss just makes everything in life more comfortable and convenient.
My night ops are mushroom duties. Also an M word. So appropriate.
May you moss stay moist.
-- Fresh
PS. Technically, Sabrina posted a picture of lichens. They're almost as important as mosses to fairies. Just be informed of the differences. Lichens are naturally drier, and live mostly on rocks.